Weird Things Dogs Have Eaten!

Many dogs consider anything that looks or smells enticing to be a tasty treat. As emergency veterinarians, we have found that in some dogs, practically everything is on the menu. Whether motivated by curiosity, hunger or an insatiable need to chew, some dogs manage to swallow some bizarre things. Dogs explore their world by mouthing, tasting, and chewing and as a result, sometimes they swallow objects that get them into trouble. If an inedible object is small enough and somewhat round, it will often pass through the pet’s system. Other items require surgical intervention to be removed from the body. These six canines have taken the art of eating to a whole new level.

1. Making A Wish…

A 5-month old Whippet kept gulping like she was trying to dislodge something in her throat. Her family noticed this and brought her in. Ends up, a long and narrow fairy wand belonging to their child was found running across the dogs entire frame. In surgery the wand was removed and  their beloved pet ‘magically had a full recovery.

2. Channel Changing Experience

A family brought in their bull mastiff with an unusual problem, they were concerned that this hungry giant was not eating any dinner. After an X-Ray we discovered why, he had eaten their TV’s remote control. It was successfully removed and as a result, he lost his TV privileges.

3. Rubber Ducky your the one… or five!

A family kept replacing the baby’s bath time rubber ducky until Mom watched their dog steal the latest duck right out of the bathtub and swallow it! After a trip to the emergency room, the family was shocked to find not one, but five, rubber duckies in their pet’s stomach.

4. Who’s calling?

Today technology all around us, but a few years back, we had a family come in with an alarming problem, their pup had eaten an iPhone. After X-Rays revealed the problem, we had to make the call for surgery and remove the obstruction. Luckily we were able to remove the phone with little problem, but, without help, it could have been a close call.

5. Dog Proof Pill Bottle

One adventurous pup stole an entire bottle of pain pills that had been sitting on a bathroom counter. The owners were frantic thinking so much medication would certainly be fatal. After removing the bottle, we found that the bottle with a child proof cap, had remained intact and all of the pills were safe and untouched in the bottle.

6. Not So Happy Holiday

A Golden retriever was brought in around the holidays. Turns out that she had swallowed a holiday ornament. Fortunately it was a hallmark Grinch figurine and not a glass bulb. We were able to remove the Grinch just in time to save Christmas for the family.

Luckily, all of these pups made a full recovery from their gastronomic adventures, but it’s a good reminder that if your dog swallows dangerous materials, get them to a vet! The best course in preventing your dog from swallowing dangerous items is to choose dog-safe toys that can’t be chewed into tiny pieces. Obstructions can become a medical emergency that costs you money and could even cost your pet its life.


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